Why Play Sports?

It can be fun!  Try it! You may surprise yourself and discover a hidden talent! Although playing on a sports team can be very competitive at times, it is important to remember to have fun. Don’t worry if you aren’t the captain of the football or field hockey teams, there may be another sport like fencing or Ultimate Frisbee that might be just the right fit for you!

It helps you stay active  Getting involved in any type of sport is a great and fun way to exercise. Lack of adequate exercise is a major contributor to rising obesity levels. Exercise and an active lifestyle can provide many benefits to those involved including better sleep, happier mood, and more energy and concentration for daytime activities…click here to view our Exercise page and why it’s so good for you.

Socialize  Sports are an easy way for you to interact with your peers and form new friendships. Even if practice is just a few times a week, connecting with your coaches, trainers, and teammates can help you develop teamwork skills. Teamwork is one of those skills needed in most life situations. It comes in handy with jobs, careers, college, and even your family.

Improves your mind  Studies have shown that teens who stay active and participate in an organized sports activity tend to do better in school. Staying active with a sports team can improve your memory, foster learning, teach you goal setting, problem solving, and time management skills, and even boost self confidence.

Not sure about which sport you will like? Choosing the Right Sport for You

Sports Injuries

Injured yourself while playing sports? When to See Your Doctor

Common Sports Injuries

Concussion – an acute injury to your brain that can cause altered mental status or other symptoms.

A Concussion can be caused by any blow or hit to the head. Even if you do not lose consciousness, you may still have a concussion. Some symptoms of a concussion include vomiting, blurred vision, dizziness, continued headaches, lack of concentration. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should contact your doctor immediately.

Sprain – an acute tear or stretch of the tissue that connects your joints to bones and cartilage.

Sprains happen when you suffer an acute injury like twisting your ankle or tripping and falling. Symptoms of a sprain include pain, swelling, and sometimes even bruising. Sometimes it is difficult to tell the difference between a sprain and a fracture, so it is important that you see your doctor if you have suffered this type of injury. If you are diagnosed with a sprain, treatment usually includes resting that part of your body and sometimes taking medication for inflammation and pain. A bad sprain may take up to 3-4 weeks to heal fully.

Fracture – this refers to a break or crack in any of your bones.

A fracture is diagnosed by an xray. Every fracture requires some degree of immobilization (i.e. cast or a splint). Usually a fracture takes about 1-2 months to heal. Our team of providers can diagnose and treat most types of fractures. If we are unable to manage the injury, then we have ready access to a team of Orthopedists and Sports Medicine Specialists.

Strain – a stretch or tear of a part of a muscle or tendon.

Caused by this part of your body being stretched too far. Tendons connect muscles to bones. If you have suffered a strain, your muscle may be painful immediately after exercising or a few hours later. Strains can happen when you haven’t warmed up your body well enough before exercising. Treatment for a muscle strain usually includes resting the injured body part and taking medication to reduce pain and inflammation. Strains can take up to a week to heal fully.

Contusion – also known as a bruise, caused by a blow to your body’s bone or muscle. If you have a contusion you may experience swelling, pain, movement restriction, and bleeding under the skin.

Laceration – a cut in the skin, sometimes requiring stitches

Tendonitis – an inflammation in the tendon, caused by overuse or repetitive motion. Tendonitis is a type of “overuse” injury. This type of injury develops slowly overtime, caused by repetitive stress to a tendon.

An easy way to remember how to care for your injury (in addition to your doctor’s instructions)

R – Rest

I – Ice

C – Compression – wrapping your injury with an ace bandage can help reduce inflammation and pain. Be careful not to wrap too tightly.

E – Elevating your injured body part can also help prevent swelling.